Mohawk Opportunities is a leader and pioneer in providing services to people living with mental illness.

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Client Story: Gwenie

Hi, my name is Gwenie, and I am blessed. Recovery is feeling good about myself. I love myself and work to be a better person. I believe that when one door closes, another one opens.

Today, I have a good place to live and people who support and care about me.

My Case Manager at Mohawk Opportunities is a kindhearted person who helps me with my benefits and transportation. She spends time with me and talks to me. I have my clinician, and I take my medicine because it helps to keep me afloat. My life is stable, and I'm a "boring person" who loves shopping and being in the water.

Here's my story: I had some trauma in my life that caused me setbacks. I moved around constantly, my family didn't talk to me, and I was always in the hospital. I wasn't feeling good and was told that I had symptoms of bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. Eventually, I moved to Schenectady and moved in with my boyfriend, James. I started treatment but was still going to the hospital a lot. I started working with the Assertive Community Treatment (ACT) team in 2010 and started on the right track. I knew the staff cared for me. I graduated from ACT and went to the clinic in 2013, where they took really good care of me. Then, I transitioned into care coordination. They helped us get housing and helped me when a loved one got sick and died from COVID.

Now, my family and I are close. They talk to me and are part of my support system. I talk to my daughter and three grandkids and even saw them last week. I am going to my sister's surprise party. I can sleep well, think straight, and am blessed.

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